

Good morning, fellow Hummusapiens!

Because I am a glass half full kind of gal, 
the fact that this hummus did not quite match up to my expectations of it's origins isn't really a bad thing per se.
See, I've realized something and I'm fessing up to it: 
I'm completely and utterly spoiled in my taste, in a very "American-y" sort of way. 
I like things a tad rich (though not nearly as bad as I use to be). 
But I like things with a little...um...OOMPH, if you will.
Some kickin' flavor.
Some drooltasticness.
Some saliva-inducing quality.

So, just because this tub of glop, 
Nature's Healthy Gourmet Original Hummus 

(found in the awesome, great and holy place of Whole Foods)
probably won't have me clamoring for seconds, 
doesn't mean those with more organic tongue buds 
won't be drooling over it's more 
neutral/natural tones of badass bean, 
I assure you. 

If you like your paste a bit lacking in the tahini department
don't mind a less sodium-esque experience 
(I'm a salt lover. Guilty. True story. Put me away!)
then this may be the tub of choice (T.O.C) for you.

Herein commences the first dip: the anticipation is building...

Then BOOM! Shot down!
It was just too neutral for me.
if you're into the more whipped kind of stuff
(of course, my lardy bum loves a bit of weight, 
something more substantial)
then this is for you, though it's not as fluffy as the Athenos brand (thank-to-the-goodness!).

I won't lie - I pawned the rest of this off on my Vegan friend.
She totally dug it.
Like I was saying, she fit the bill - she likes foods that are more...
how do you put it...?
...earthy, I guess. 
None the richer, if you will.
She'll down Vegan animal cookies, veggie chips, carrots, and raw green peppers like the dickens 
(lot of raw stuff actually)...
That sort of thing.

That's why I can't really knock this stuff too bad, 
because when it comes down to it, it's some healthy shit-ake, 
and that's not to be taken lightly in today's 
over-most-things-bad-for-you and 

So to be honest, I'd rather down some semi-yummy 
but uber-healthy 
compared to just plain processed crap like:

that makes one feel like:

instead of feeling capable of:


So I guess the lesson of the day is
that we should learn to lower our taste-buds
when it comes to being overly-processed
(did we just come up with a new term? I think so...!)
and learn to enjoy the simpler things sometimes.

Okay, now I need to make it official by emphasizing it:

Enjoy :)

~ Nema the Nosher

We. Are. Hummusapiens!

I swear I should be a spokesperson for Sabra. 
This time it's the Basil Pesto tub that I am pleased to introduce to you...you, what should I call us, the hummus-lovers of the world...
It's gotta be good, something unforgettable yet realistic...
How about Hummicans? Or Hummicurians? Hummustatians? Hummaphrodites? No!
I feel like Humm-ty Dumpty because I can't think of the right thing.
Oh my gosh! I got it: Hummusapiens! 
EUREKA, folks!!

I am a proud (sometimes loud) HUMMUSAPIEN!

Let it be known throughout the land of blogenshlein and blogtopia that 
those who dwell amongst these virtual pages 
(and myself, the leader of such hummus-lovin' readers and eaters)
that we have dubbed ourselves
the great, the all knowing, the all powerful


True Story.

NOW, onto the hummus of today (or, H.O.T, if you will)

Now, you may notice the condensation up there on the first photo - that's because I was so darn tootin' excited that I took the picture after I just got back from the store.
Being humid as all-get-out here in Florida, that's what happens to hummus in a 15 minute car ride after being pushed around in a cart for 20 minutes.
So it holds up pretty well if you ask me.
But that's neither here nor there.
The MAIN reason we're here is for the taste, or "flava'" if you will.

 Okay, so this stuff is good. Though it's not my favorite. I think it has to do with the fact that the basil pesto-ness can somewhat take away from the hummus-y taste that I prefer. I like when it's either Garbanzo or Tahini flavor at 75% +...not the case here.
BUT, that's not to say that I wouldn't, on an odd kind of day,
(like during my period when my taste-buds go all sorts of wacky different ways)
want something dancing around in there besides some chickpeaish/tahinish flava' 
if you know what I'm saying 
(and you do if you too possess a moody poonana when Aunt Flow comes riding in the crimson wave.)

Enjoy! And may Moses be ever so gentle
in parting your Red Seas
and may that pathway be strewn with
the goodness of the garbanzo
in hopes of making the journey
that much more manageable.


~ Nema the Nosher